Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Digital Tool 5:PowerPoint: Plug in to this One!

I'll give PowerPoint a plug any day.

I do find it useful for presentations and let's face it as teachers we will be presenting on a daily bases. I did discover however, that it does take some time to know and understand the tools and their location within the program. I like the fact that now everyone has the ability to make an effective presentation, even your students!


  1. Sorry, I had something for you but i lost it when i looked at the jack fruit. Not happy Jan

  2. I won’t let that happen again! From now on i will write a message in a word document, then copy and paste it into the comments.
    So, I agree with that PowerPoint can be useful for presentations, however it needs to be engaging and portray a POWERful message in order to get your POINT across. It also needs to be used in a good pedagogical manner to impact on learning. The vast array of tools within the program can provide learners with too much to play around with for some and consequently a required task may take longer for these students.
    Personally i have used Powerpoint in many group presentations with varying degrees of success. When good audio is used in conjunction with interesting visuals the imact is increased and audiences more engaged.
    My earlier comments were better.

  3. I agree with your statement:" When good audio is used in conjunction with interesting visuals the imact is increased and audiences more engaged" I think many PowerPoint users need to understand this. To may times have I seen people reading off slabs of text that have been cut and pasted on to a PowerPoint document, and let's face it that makes for a boring presentation. Your comments are great, keep up the good work.
