Friday, July 23, 2010

Digital Tool 7: Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Although I'm currently on a one week waiting list to create my Learning Management System (LMS) I know I will like it.
I know this because I have used them before and have found them to be a most useful system indeed.
We use this system to receive information on course work in our University. I have had the pleasure of working with both BlackBoard and Moodle in the past. These LMS's definitely have a place in my classroom and would be of particular use for setting homework tasks. I look forward to receiving my URL in a week or so!


  1. Hi Cameron,
    I will definitely have a BlackBoard or Moodle page for my classroom, as I find it very helpful with learning material and tasks that need completing. I also think it will be very helpful in a primary school context. Parents will be able to monitor and assist with their child's learning progress. It would also be good for the students that tend to loose their homework or notes for parents.

  2. Great Chris you are right it will make it difficult for students to 'lose' there homework dogs can not eat computers! It has been useful for our University journey in fact it makes me wonder what they used before the advent of Learning Management Systems.

  3. Hi Cameron,
    I too think that Learning Management Systems are beneficial to all students. The possibilities of LMS in classrooms and at home are almost endless as many different forms of media are able to be embedded on the site. The only issue that I can see is students without Internet connectivity at home being left behind. This is improving with the Internet being more available. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2009) state “Between 1998 to 2008-09, household access to the Internet at home has more than quadrupled from 16% to 72%".
    If LMS are used at schools teachers need to be aware that not every child will be able to access the program.
    Happy blogging

  4. Yes, As a mother that battles with kids and homework, and as a student who experiences the benefits of the online component of our courses, I can not believe these systems are not used more often for school learning purposes, ???!
