Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Don't get blogged down!

The notion of blogging at first seems daunting, particularity when one is a first timer. As we have now all discovered it is not that confusing, particularly with the scaffolding that has been provided for us. There is no doubt blogging has its place in modern society, but I hope it does not take place of face-to-face social interaction. In a face to face discussion information can not only be divulged to the listener at will but it can also be tailored to suite their particular interest or needs instantly. Whereas in a blog it is mainly a one way conversation. I have discovered that questions can be asked by blog readers but there is no guarantee of when or even if you will get an answer. I look forward to using a blog and discovering its strengths and weakness and assess it for use in my classroom in the future.

Blog on CQU students!

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