Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reflective Synopsis

How does one manage E learning in the classroom? I began to appreciate the answer to this question as I followed the course work throughout the term. Blogs, Wikis, embedding images, Learning Management Systems, Movie Making, The Big Six, and Podcasts, have gone from being a foreign tongue to a local language for me in the last few weeks. It took me some experimentation to discover the inner workings of internet resources. I discovered that the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) can add weight to a unit of work and extend a student’s creativity. Thus allowing students to inquire, evaluate, analyse and communicate, which in turn, brings about higher order thinking (Frangenhiem 2007). I also feel that these technologies help to meet the needs of digital native students (Prensky, 2001) and co-operate with the Learning Engagement Theory (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999), and the Big Six. The use of ICT’s is so important in schools that it is mandated and given a cross-curriculum priority in the Essential Learnings (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007). When implementing learning experiences with my students who require to use these technologies and the internet, I will always facilitate class discussions about netiquette and internet safety, as this will be beneficial for the students’ learning, safety and social development.

I find the use of Images particularly helpful when presenting knowledge to an audience. I discussed the usefulness of images with Kim in her blog (Discussion with Kim). Images can be embedded into any internet resource which is why I believe they are one of the most useful tools. I discussed with Hamish (Discussion with Hamish) the amazing amount of images available and ease of access on the internet and the power of these images. I discovered for myself that images are more than just pictures as they can be interactive as well. The image on my blog (Image on Blog) is an example of how images are more than mere pictures. They can actually induce higher order thinking by subtly questing students which extends a student’s learning. In my teaching I would opt for images such as the one embedded in my blog to aid all learners particularly visual learners.

Whilst researching the use of images in the classroom context I found that some images have not been used effectively. JICS Digital media (2008) comments that particular attention must be given to the quality of the images and how they are delivered to the user. This comment will make me consider carefully when selecting images I use in my teaching, what information will they provide? How will they be delivered? Will these invoke higher order thinking?Research suggests that images can enhance learning by illustrating concepts and providing visual memory cues (JICS Digital media 2008). In line with this, I intend to embed them in my lessons.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) as I commented in my blog (Scroll down to view) are a useful system for the student to gain and access information. LMS can assist in assessment management as well as being an effective way to communicate between peers and the Learning Manager. LMS’s are a great a way for students to be more in control of their learning as well as helping them prepare for future education such as High School and University. My peers agree that there is a place for LMS’s in schools and that it enhances learning (Comments on my blog). I find it useful for my current University studies, hence I can see a place for it in my classroom, particularly upper primary. LMS’s also have the capacity to provide support for distance learning or for students who are not able to get to school for a long period of time.The Australian Flexible Learning Centre (2004)suggests that LMS’s can be an integral part of the learning and teaching experience. It also suggests that teachers need to understand LMS’s so they can create meaningful online content and use them as appropriate developmental tools.

Movie making has the ability to transform information and develop new understandings if used as a tool for students on which to compile information. This is why I believe it would be an appropriate tool at the end of a unit to consolidate learning or as an assessment piece. Scaffolding is required to teach students how to work movie making tools but the information they convey to the audience is of the most importance. I discussed the making of scripts for movies by students with Sadi (Comment on Sadi's blog). Together we discovered that using a podcast or a short movie to introduce a unit and inspire students as to what they can make as an end product is a great way to engage students from the start. I made my own movie with Windows Movie Maker which was quite a learning journey as I have never done this before. In fact I had not even been aware that I had the Windows Movie Maker program on my computer. The movie is available on my blog (Scroll down). The movie I constructed is intended to be a story starter to enrich students’ creative writing. I discussed its use in the classroom with Kim (Link to our discussion) who agreed that it induces higher order thinking among students.

A tool that consolidates and refines information that I can see would have potential in the classroom was concept mapping. I knew what a concept map was but I never knew that there were programs on the internet that helped you produce one. Concept maps develop critical thinking, help with analysis and evaluation and synthesise new ideas. I was amazed at Paul’s podcast about concept mapping so I commented (Comments of Paul's blog). Paul included a podcast by Tony Buzan who claims to be the leading author and top lecturer on Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan calls Mind mapping the “swiss army knife for the brain”. Upon my explorations of a few different mind mapping programs I came to the conclusion that Text2Mindmap would be best for usage in my classroom because it is the most user friendly (Scroll down to concept map entry).

Seven weeks ago I had never used a Wiki and had only heard the name because of Wikipedia. Now I have an understanding of Wikis and am already using them in my own learning. In a group work assessment for another course we collaborated our ideas and wrote a script for a play using a Wiki (Script). It was a time-saving success. I agreed with Paul (link to discussion) that Wikis enhance student learning. Within my own blog (scroll down) I praised their ability to aid collaborative learning. I believe that students would be engaged when collaborating on a Wiki, which leads to less time being wasted trying to get students to behave and more time being spent on learning. The potential of Wikis in the classroom is phenomenal as can be seen in theKorean International School Wiki. There is no doubt that I will use Wikis as a tool to aid learning in my classroom, particularly for middle and upper Primary education.

Another point worth mentioning is The Big Six framework which I knew nothing of at the beginning of this course. It is a framework that warrants usage within E Learning. It is a framework that I would use as an information problem-solving strategy because with the Big Six, students are able to handle any problem, assignment, decision or task by following six simple steps (Eisenberg, 2007). Not only does the Big Six bring about higher order thinking by asking specific questions, but it also helps students use time effectively by assisting them with the next move when they are stuck. I will be implementing The Big Six framework into my class for these reasons.

Technology is an ever-changing facet within society, and new technologies are continually being developed. It is possible that the software and skills required for ICT tasks today may be obsolete in a couple of years. As a lifelong learner I look forward to continuing to develop my operational skills and explore knowledge in relation to current and new technologies. I believe that it is a requirement of a teacher to stay ahead of technology and in doing this, I would maintain successful facilitation of E Learning. I strongly believe that in my future role as a Learning Manager I could incorporate each of the technologies covered in this course into my students’ learning experiences, throughout all grades in the primary school setting.

I believe that the use of the technologies discussed in the preceding paragraphs will make my teaching more efficient and more effective. The students would be engaged and would want to participate because of the simple fact that technology is involved. I am committed to giving students the best possible learning experience and this involves the heavy use of ITC’s .In addition I would like to ensure that real world application is used where ever it is appropriate


Australian Flexible Learning Centre (2004) Learning Management Systems: A Teacher's PerspectiveRetrieved August 18, 2010 from:

Eisenberg, M (2007) What is the big 6? Retrieved August 22, 2010 from:

Frangenhiem, E (2007)Reflection of Classroom Teaching Strategies (9th ed.)Loganholme QLD:Redin Education Publishing. Brisbane

JICS Digital media (2008). Using Images in Learning, Teaching and Research Materials. ReterievedAugust 12, 2010 from:

Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement theory: a framework for technology-based teaching and learning.Retrieved July 16, 2009, from

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.Retrieved August 10, 2010, from:

Queensland Studies Authority. (2007). Information and Communication Technologies.Retrieved August 20, 2010, from:

Waterhouse, S. (2003). The power of elearning the past, the present, and the future.Retrieved June 15, 2006, from:

Links to a selection of discussions, comments, and comment reply are as follows: e

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

High 5 for the Big 6

I'd like to make a late and quick mention for the usefulness of the Big 6. In my classroom I had been using a similar approach but knew not of the Big 6. Upon discovery of the Big 6 early in the course it made teaching easier in the computer lab and minimised time wastage. I have already seen its use and effectiveness so I can safely say it has a place in my classroom.
Step 1Step 2

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ground Shaking Movie Making!

What a useful and fun tool! I made this video with the aim that students would watch it and write a story of what was happening. It would be a fun and education activity that would involve sharing each others stories at the end. I feel the ease and effectiveness of this tool would warrant its use in most units.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Learning tool 9: Podcasts

Wow! What a useful tool! Clips like the one below can be used to give students a break from always listening to the teacher. Using clips such as these can save the teacher the time and energy they would otherwise have had to use to find and correlate the information. Podcasts give the advantage of having professional speakers on various areas of knowledge that would otherwise be challenging to bring in to a classroom.

Digital Tool 8: Photographs

Pictures speak a thousand words. Visual literacy is a major part of communication within our society. Images are particularly useful in an educational setting for visual learners. The use of photographs for educational purposes is the topic of this blog. As I searched through the endless libraries of photographs within countless websites, I came to discover that there is an image for every occasion. The beauty of this is that any image is accessible to any individual within seconds. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have uploaded their images on to websites for the public use.

The image on the right would be utilised within a science classroom for students to learn the anatomy of an insect. The image was found in

Friday, July 23, 2010

Digital Tool 7: Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Although I'm currently on a one week waiting list to create my Learning Management System (LMS) I know I will like it.
I know this because I have used them before and have found them to be a most useful system indeed.
We use this system to receive information on course work in our University. I have had the pleasure of working with both BlackBoard and Moodle in the past. These LMS's definitely have a place in my classroom and would be of particular use for setting homework tasks. I look forward to receiving my URL in a week or so!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Digital Tool 6:

Wow what a program, what one can do with this tool is nothing short of amazing. Everyone can be, and look professional with this program!

However I did have some problems. After spending quite some time making a beautiful piece of work I discovered that you cannot use your page away from this program until you pay (I did not discover a way, although there may be one). This reason alone would not have me using this program in my classroom.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Digital Tool 5:PowerPoint: Plug in to this One!

I'll give PowerPoint a plug any day.

I do find it useful for presentations and let's face it as teachers we will be presenting on a daily bases. I did discover however, that it does take some time to know and understand the tools and their location within the program. I like the fact that now everyone has the ability to make an effective presentation, even your students!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Digital Tool 4: Creating a Website

Today I created a website. I discovered that it takes a quite a lot of time. However if you already have text and images that you want to cut and paste it could be quite a useful resource. You can view my website at:
I had a difficult time trying to edit my page once I had published it. Overall this is not my favorite use of digital technology, but it does have its place in the classroom.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Digital Tool 3: Wikis for Collaborative Learning

The use of Wiki has its place in the classroom, particularly in the upper and middle years of primary school. I was amazed at how extensively Wikis had been used at Korea International School.

A Wiki is different to a blog in many ways. The Main difference between a Wiki and a Blog is that a Blog can only be edited by the person who created it whereas a Wiki can be edited by any person at any time, this has major implications for their use in learning design. Wikis can be best used for students to collaborate on tasks. Used in the correct way a Wikis potential is mind boggling!

To have a look and add to my Wiki go to:

Digital Tool 2: Concept Mapping for Learning

Concept mapping is quite a concept, and will be a very useful tool in my classroom in the future for both me and my students. Concept mapping is an organisation of ideas that can expand thinking. As a teacher, I could use this tool to collaborate with student in a group discussion and build upon ideas or brain storm and generally achieve higher order thinking in my students. I would particularly favor the use of concept mapping in group work using the 'Mindmap' program.

I found the 'Mindmap' program more user friendly than the 'Bubbl' program. I got very lost on the Bubbl program and could not manage to join the boxes and kept creating bubbles that over lapped.

Below is an example of the potential of the 'Mindmap' program:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Don't get blogged down!

The notion of blogging at first seems daunting, particularity when one is a first timer. As we have now all discovered it is not that confusing, particularly with the scaffolding that has been provided for us. There is no doubt blogging has its place in modern society, but I hope it does not take place of face-to-face social interaction. In a face to face discussion information can not only be divulged to the listener at will but it can also be tailored to suite their particular interest or needs instantly. Whereas in a blog it is mainly a one way conversation. I have discovered that questions can be asked by blog readers but there is no guarantee of when or even if you will get an answer. I look forward to using a blog and discovering its strengths and weakness and assess it for use in my classroom in the future.

Blog on CQU students!